The best of both worlds — incredible results and minimal downtime! Sciton’s ProFractional laser effectively treats a wide variety of skin conditions, leaving the surrounding skin intact to promote quick recovery.
Our ProFractional treatment in La Jolla, San Diego, is used to improve your overall skin tone and texture by targeting thousands of pinpoint areas. Because only a fraction of the skin is directly treated with the laser, the surrounding untreated tissue promotes rapid healing. The skin’s wound healing response creates new collagen and adds firmness and resilience to the skin over time. The procedure is performed in-office with limited downtime and is tailored to your specific skin condition and unique goals.
What conditions can be treated with ProFractional?
- Mild wrinkles
- Acne Scars/Procedure Scars/Other Scars
- Melasma
- Crepey skin
- Pigment irregularities
- Mild skin laxity
You may obtain excellent results with a single treatment; however, the number of profractional treatments may vary from patient to patient. For scars, a minimum of three treatments is usually necessary and, depending upon the severity, may require as many as seven. We create a personalized plan for your unique needs and to give you the best overall results. Such a plan can include but is not limited to: multiple treatments, combination treatments, and/or treatments combined with certain products.
It is best to avoid Ibuprofen, Aspirin, and other blood thinning medication/supplements for 1 week prior to procedure to decrease any possible bruising.
Please discontinue the use of retinol products 24 hours prior to procedure.
You should also avoid tobacco products and alcohol for 1 week prior and 1 week following the procedure. Along with delayed healing, persistent skin redness and other complications may persist when tobacco and alcohol are not discontinued.
If you are prone to cold sores, you will be prescribed an antiviral medication preventatively to start 1 day prior to the procedure.
This procedure has a low downtime, an average of 3-5 days, depending on the depth of the treatment. Be sure to schedule your plans accordingly.
When you get to Skin ‘n Skinnier, we bring you to the laser room. Pre-procedure photos will be taken, a consent for the procedure will need to be signed, and confirmation of pre-procedure instructions will be discussed. If pre-procedure instructions have not been met, the treatment may need to be rescheduled. Before your treatment, we apply a thin layer of topical numbing for approximately 45 minutes. We then remove the cream and clean the face before the Profractional treatment. During the procedure, we use a cooling machine (aka Zimmer chiller) for your added comfort. The Zimmer assists in cooling the skin during and right after your procedure.
Initially, you will see mild pinpoint bleeding in the treated areas. This is a desired response and very common with this procedure. This continued oozing is to be expected during the first 24 hours after treatment.
Redness and swelling are very common following this procedure. The redness normally persists for 3-5 days depending upon the depth of the laser, and the swelling typically lasts only a couple of days and gradually subsides.
Your skin may feel tight, warm (sunburnt), and you may experience mild discomfort, also very common following this procedure. However, everyone’s level of discomfort is different. After the procedure, we apply a protective barrier of Aquaphor to the treated area(s) and you should continue to apply a thin layer of it for the following 3 days. We will also send you home with detailed post-treatment instructions.
How do I take care of my skin following the ProFractional?
Use of a cold compress or ice packs will help to relieve the swelling. To avoid further swelling, you may choose to sleep propped up on 2 – 3 pillows the first night after treatment.
A cold compresses or ice packs may also be used to provide comfort if the treated area is especially warm. This is typically only needed within the first 12 hours post treatment.
You can reduce any discomfort with over-the-counter oral pain relievers; i.e. Extra Strength Tylenol.
Please continue the prescribed antiviral as directed until the bottle is empty.
Cleanse the skin two times a day with plain, lukewarm water and a gentle cleanser; (i.e. Cetaphil) beginning the morning after the treatment. Use your hands to gently apply the cleanser and water and finish by patting dry with a soft cloth. Be careful not to rub the treated area and do not use any type of exfoliator until skin is fully healed (i.e. Clarisonic).
After cleansing your face, reapply the occlusive barrier, (i.e. Aquaphor) taking care to cover all treated areas. The occlusive barrier is needed to provide a protective barrier that will hold moisture into the skin and provide protection to the skin from pollutants in the air as the skin heals. The occlusive barrier is typically needed for 3 days post treatment. Reapply the occlusive barrier as needed. Do not allow the treated area to dry out.
When showering, be sure to wash your hair behind you to avoid getting shampoo directly on the treated area.
Peeling and flaking generally occur within 24 hours post treatment and should be allowed to come off naturally. DO NOT PICK, RUB, OR FORCE OFF ANY SKIN DURING THE HEALING PROCESS. THIS COULD RESULT IN SCARRING AND INFECTION! Gently washing the skin more frequently will help to promote the peeling process.
Once the skin has healed (no longer wearing the occlusive barrier), you may begin to wear a mineral makeup that will allow the skin to breathe and continue healing. At this time, you should also begin wearing a sun block daily to prevent any hyper/hypopigmentation caused by direct and indirect sunlight.
Please avoid strenuous exercise and sweating for 1 week after treatment or until skin has fully healed.
Please avoid direct sun exposure until the skin has fully healed.
How long will it take to recover?
Depending on the depth of your treatment, most patients feel comfortable enough to return to work within 4 days. However, not everyone heals at the same speed and it would not be unusual if the healing process were to take longer.
When should I expect results?
As your skin heals in the days following your treatment, you may notice a general tightening effect. However, the true benefit of this procedure is more long-term, as the stimulation of collagen production continues during the 4 – 6 months following the treatment.
*Legal disclaimer: Individual results may vary. Our reviews speak for themselves, but Skin and Skinnier is not legally allowed to make any guarantees through this website.